Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Miriam Delicado
Miriam Delicado describes her early years as strange. By the age of two she could vividly recall her first two years as a baby and by the age of nine her psychic abilities began to kick in, bringing with them vivid dreams and other strange experiences she couldn’t understand. She recalls sitting in a car and observing those in other cars she passed, being able to know what they were thinking. Many of her dreams were prophetic, visualising events which would soon come to pass in reality. Miriam mentions the fact that her father also possessed some of these same abilities too.
One day in 1988, Miriam underwent a strange encounter. While busy at her job working in a yoghurt shop, she became aware of a man at the window staring straight into her eyes. He entered the shop maintaining the stare and then asked her if she worked for, or had ever worked for, the CIA or FBI. This was a very poignant question for Miriam as her father had once warned her of such an encounter following one of his own with such a man in the streets of Paris during the war. He told his daughter that if she were asked the same question by such a stranger, to be very aware. Her questioner went on to ask her if she would like to work for the Russians and she immediately knew that he was referring to a psychic programme, which he explained, would allow her to work with people having similar abilities to her own. She promptly declined stating that she had not the slightest intention of doing so.
But it was also in 1988 when she had her first an encounter with extraterrestrials and it was this seminal event that changed the course of her life. While returning with friends to her home in Vancouver, the car they were travelling in, was buzzed by strange lights from the rear. This went on for many miles, until she asked her driving companion to stop. She became aware that the lights were those of a craft and she knew intuitively that it was her that the occupants wanted. She was taken aboard the craft and today the events of the three hours she maintains she was aboard it, have begun to re-surface of their own accord without the need for regressive hypnosis.
The messages and information Miriam received from the extraterrestrials, which she describes as the ‘Nordic’ type, gave her a clear indication as to where she had received her psychic abilities. She was also shown possible futures on Earth in the not-to-distant future and how it was up to the inhabitants of this planet to make the choice between a catastrophic future scenario or a peaceful and more spiritual one. She was informed about the ‘Four Corners’ area and the safe zones that would escape the worst cataclysmic events of that catastrophic future. These places are dotted all over the planet and, although would suffer chaotic consequences of such a disaster, the effects would be less severe than elsewhere.
She was also informed that her informants had had a hand in creating us, stressing that they were not God, but were helpers or overseers of our destiny which is that of rising to higher levels of consciouness. It is this message which is understood by the indigenous peoples of this Earth, like the Hopi indians, with whom Miriam had several friends.
It was explained to her how several attempts had been made over a large timescale to create satisfactory human lifeform by instilling ‘sparks of life’, or souls, into a biological ‘vessel’. The first two attempts had failed. In the third attempt, or ‘Third World’ they succeeded and Miriam was shown these beings enjoying a high state of high spirituality with total knowledge and telepathic abilities, far in excess of our current human ones. However, it proved to be a matter of too much too soon - rather like giving a child a box of matches - and they misused their abilities and became destructive. So, the third experiment was brought to an end.
As an aside, could this be analagous to the great flood, for they told her that in order to establish the Fourth World, those who had coped more responsibly in the Third World were spared and brought forward into the fourth, or current stage. (Would Noah be one of these?). These people were possibly the forefathers of the Hopi indians who have maintained much of this old, highly spiritual knowledge. She was told that one day, she would find these people and know what to do.
The Hopi
Miriam’s encounter with a Hopi elder in 2004, confirmed this and shortly after her meeting while going for a drink with one of the Hopi daughters, she one again, came face to face with one of the Nordics who asked her a rhetorical question about her presence with the Hopi. Clearly, this must have come across as a ‘waymark’ and, because the child she was with also observed this out-of-place-looking being, acted as proof that these ‘Nordics’ were for real. This fact was also later confirmed to her when encountering another ‘Nordic’ one day driving a car alongside her own and whose gaze was continually kept on her rather than on the road ahead! This particular sighting was also confirmed by friends who were travelling with her and they readily remarked on this man’s strange demeanour. Miriam came to realise that some of the words being conveyed to her all those years previously by the Nordics while aboard their craft, were, in fact common the Hopi language.
With all of these synchronisities coming together and following more telepathic messages in which Miriam was told to get all of this information down in a book, being given the message that the book must be completed by November 2007 because this was an important timeline, Miriam set to work, completing it on the agreed date. Clearly, her mission was to impart this vital knowledge to others.
A catastrophic vision
During her interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, Miriam broke down emotionally when she recalled the visions she had been shown by the Nordics of the potential destruction that could engulf this world if we, as humanity, take the wrong path in the future. The personal experiences she has witnessed over the last twenty years have indelibly impressed upon Miriam that this destructive course must be avoided at all costs and the path towards it stopped.
This brings us smartly in line with so many other contactees and visionaries who have been imparted the same knowledge by our ‘keepers’ or ‘caretakers’, those benevolent extraterrestrials who are nurturing our development to higher levels, yet insist that that journey must be undertaken under our own steam if we are to fully aspire to a higher spiritual plane. Clearly, we must wake up, educate ourselves and become fully conversant with our current predicament, learn that we have the power within us to overcome the threats that confront us - like the New World Order and those destructive forces in this world whose profession it is to commit us to that destruction - rise above it all and create for ourselves a higher collective consciousness that will guide us out of this mire.
Miriam’s final message from the Nordics was that of learning self-sufficiency and to quote her final words of the interview, “One of the greatest concerns that I have... In the views, the visions that I was shown, the information that was shared to me onboard that craft, they talked to me a lot when I was with them about seeds. And I’m always trying to share this information with people. One of the things that could save this Earth is seeds. because if every individual on the planet planted a small garden, we would not have to produce as much oil or transportation or pollution or plastics to... you know. Everything”.
How true!
Welcome to Future Choice!
Having covered the geo-political world and much of its dire subterfuge in my last newworlddoublethink blog site, I’m moving on from the front-line barricades of the Alex Jones Infowar realm which is arming itself in readiness for face to face combat with the New World Order in what will be a bloody confrontation. Physical combat, guns and violence in my personal view, is not the way forward but plays easily into the hands of those who are looking for confrontation as justification for imprisoning society completely.
For me and many others, the way forward is subtler and will take us along a higher, fearless and spiritual path, but armed mentally with the vitally important and invaluable information that the likes of Alex Jones and his contributors so eloquently provide. To know and fully understand our controllers’ mental agenda is our most powerful weapon.
That’s not to suggest that I won’t end up in verbal conflict with some element of the bought-and-paid-for lackey establishment that work for these monsters. As I write, I reckon my first confrontation will most likely be in regard to a certain vaccine that they might well attempt to mandatorily foist upon me - and the rest of us. Over my dead body - pun intended! But I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it as we face each day - one at a time.
In Future Choice I will be bringing a message of hope to help us through the coming years, which I and others believe, will prove to be the most challenging of our lives. It is a choice and it's going to be down to us. As I am learning so much new and vital information each day through the revelations of those being recruited into Project Camelot and that from a growing number of other reliable and genuine sources, this blog will develop organically and I will post articles on that which I find most intriguing and important to our current, changing times.
Even without ouija boards, tarot cards or knowledge of the Mayan prophecies, our daily news - despite its highly tainted and mis-informative presentation - reveals a world that has got totally out of control. A world in which greed, aggression, dishonety, corruption and disregard for others and mother earth has brought this planet to a low vibratory and disharmonious state. Although I believe that much of that disharmony originates at the apex of our global pyramidal control and command structure, it filters down like a cancer spreading throughout the entire collective human organism. Like a person with a dis-ease, the onus lies with each and every one of us to start by curing ourselves, balancing our minds and re-discovering our spirituality and pureness of heart. This in turn will re-establish our personal harmony, and by doing so collectively we can flush out the virus and cleanse our world, ridding it those disruptive elements.
This transistion isn’t going to be easy. First of all we have to realise who we are by engaging in a real and honest personal confrontation, decide where we ought truly to be heading, adopt humility, and be prepared to overturn our currently-held world views, shed materialism, become self-sufficient and let the ego take a back seat.
We need to educate ourselves and face up to the fact that we have been continuously lied to for millennia. We need to understand our true historical roots, not the spun and disengenous version that the church and our education system inculcate within us, but our real history as a member species of an inter-galactic family of which we are mere infants on a long learning curve and who have been led astray from the spiritual and progressive path and deliberately disempowered by those who, for centuries, have sought to take it upon themselves the unelected role of managing our lives, denying us that truth so that we can stay in ignorance and kept perpetually under their boot. It’s high time to win back our God-given sovereignty and find our way back onto the path of true destiny!
And for those of you who believe that when I talk about our inter-galactic heritage it’s the result of watching too many Star Wars movies, I urge you to read Paul von Ward’s well-researched book, ‘God, Genes and Consciousness’. This should hopefully get you off to a promising start and than familiarise yourself with the work of Dr Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project.
The image on the screen
In our everyday lives we experience events in a linear fashion, and have been taught to believe that we have no real control over the future. Our masters re-inforce this impression upon us all of the time and by way of ‘compensation’ dangle trinkets and material mores in front of each of us in a Pavlovian paradigm which keeps us ever bound to the system, while at the same time providing more profits and control for those same manipulators.
But our futures can be changed, but only if we re-discover that we have the power within us to do so, in spite of what we are erroneously led to believe.
In the illustration below, we are the viewers experiencing the life movie from moment to moment. Yet, in fact, an infinite number of future variations to the movie are available to us and it is our inner intentions at the time of viewing - that is now - that can help to manifest the desired outcome of the plot.
It has been shown by physicists such as David Bohm that we are the creators of our own reality. Saleem Rana puts it this way “Your choice at any moment is to decide what to do with any stimulus. You can ask an empowering question about it or a disempowering question about it. This simple, almost effortless act of consciousness is enough to make either wonderful or horrible things happen to you. The visible world only exists because of the invisible world. As physicist David Bohm expressed it, there is a cosmological order which is a distinction between the implicate and explicate order. Your experience is what makes you think about things as affecting you. Yet, the opposite is just as true. The invisible world is creating the visible world. Your thinking brings about your experience.”
Therefore the attitude we adopt when viewing the screen of life will affect which of those possible alternative versions of the film will next enter the projector and thereby form your coming reality. This not only works on an individual basis, but a collective basis and if a large percentage of the audience adopt that similar positive frame of mind the outcome for us all can be positive. This, of course, as Rana says, can either be ‘wonderful’ or ‘horrible’, it’s up to you, not a sinister man in a dark suit who has pre-scripted our collective destinies. We are the potential authors of that film!
Project Camelot
Project Camelot was founded a few years ago by Dan Ryan who has a BSc in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology from Bristol University, England and who for 27 years was a management consultant specialising in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching and Kerry Cassidy who has done graduate work in sociology, been involved in film-making and worked in Hollywood for major independent film companies and went on to write a number of screenplays.
Project Camelot was established to gather together as many whistleblowers, researchers and activists to expose truths about what is really going on behind the closed doors of the political, military and industrial oligarchy that has a stranglehold on this world.
Their mission statement reads:
To provide researchers, activists and ‘whistleblowers’ with access to all forms of media in order to get the truth out.
Our focus includes but is not limited to the following:
• extraterrestrial visitation and contact
• time travel
• mind control
• classified advanced technology
• free energy
• possible coming earth changes
• revealing plans that exist to control the human race.
To establish ‘safety in numbers’ and unite these disparate factions under an umbrella of protection for activists and ‘whistleblowers’ who may have concerns for the safety of themselves and their loved ones.
To provide a tribute to all activists in paradigm-challenging fields who have worked for the benefit of humanity... and who have suffered or been silenced for speaking the truth.
So, to get this blog underway, I want to start by introducing you to some highly interesting people that have emerged out of Project Camelot, whose experiences will, I’m sure, enlighten and give guidance on the path ahead, opening up whole new vistas you probably never thought possible. By visiting their website, you will find a great number of recorded interviews both Dan and Kerry have undertaken over the last few years, but here I want to highlight on just a few selected ones, particularly relevant to the start of this blog.
So here we go!
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